Genius Training Management System

If you are serious about your business you need to invest in tools that will take you to that next level.
Analyze, Plan, Scale, Grow your training business using Genius!

Save 65% of your training administration time
Full unlimited training & support
No charge for adding customers/learners

Genius is a cloud based Training Management System (Saas) (Software as a Service) that was designed in the UK from scratch specifically for Training Companies to help them to manage their training business, analyze their data, plan and grow their training business.

Time Saving
If you are not currently using training management software switching to a quality TMS will save you around 65% on your admin time. So if you are spending 5 hours a day on admin this will drop to around 2 hours a day. Sounds crazy right? how much more can you get done with that extra 3 hours a day? How much money will that save you? how much more money can you make with an extra 65% of time, and remember that is for each person in your business that deals with admin.

Automated Tasks
Training Management Software will simplify and automate many of your usual day to day admin tasks, such as creating joining instructions and sending them. Creating attendance registers, awarding qualifications and printing certificates, sending emails and communications and much more.

Additional Revenue
Linking your Training Management Software to your website gives your customers the ability to book training from your website, saving your staff time. If you don’t currently take online bookings you are missing out on a huge revenue generator. Genius Training Management Software can be integrated to any website by anyone in seconds and includes secure card payment processing by Stripe. The integration is as simple copy and paste and all of your course listings are controlled via Genius. When customers place an order, this information is automatically entered to Genius to save you from entering any additional data further reducing admin time.

Organised Data for Marketing
If your data is held in secure cloud based Training Management Software such as Genius you can export your customer/learner data to re-market and advertise to them using bulk email services such as Mailchimp. Some high end Training Management Software even allow you to send bulk emails to your customers right from within the TMS. Genius goes a step further with this and allows you to customize these emails with easy to use templates which are personalised to each customer or learner.

Remote Working
Do you have an office? do you really need one? Cloud based Training Management Software can be accessed from anywhere on earth with a computer, tablet or smart phone and an internet connection and is completely secure.
Could your admin team work from home? Research shows that they prefer it, are more productive and think of the rent, rates, utilities you would save. The entire Genius business is run remotely, we have team members in UK, USA, New Zealand, South America, Europe and even the Caribbean and it works amazingly well.

14 Day Free Trial

Try Genius for Free for 14 days with a free trial.
To get the most from your free trial we recommend a very brief demo so we can show you how to get the most from your trial, so please book a demo below.
You will be given access to your 14 day free trial right after the brief demo.

Book a Demo

Following your demo request we will call you to discuss your specific requirements, we then tailor your demo to your specific needs. Time is precious and this approach allows us to efficiently demonstrate how Genius solves your business problems so that you cam make an informed buying decision.
Your demo is performed remotely via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Your Full Name:

Company Name:

Email Address:


How many of your staff require access?

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We use the information you provide us to contact you regarding your demo request only.